2023 Honduras Short Term Trip

Posted by Allan Weingartner on

In June 2023, Bethany Church commissioned a team of 5 people to fly to Honduras to serve with our missionaries Paul & Tania Steer.  The team consisted of co-leaders Naomi Campos & Allen Weingartner, Patrice Lawson, Jay & Shannon Wallace. Throughout their week the team will be encouraging the Steers, working with women in a mountain village, doing VBS for kids, and working on the Missionary Entertainment Center on Granadilla Mountain. The Steers are so looking forward to the team's arrival. 

July 8 We made it to Honduras! We’re drove up into the mountains on a dirt road and we are staying at a place they built. It’s like camping. God is blessing this place. Tomorrow we will send pictures of what Bethany helped build. God Bless!

July 9 We are so excited to be in Honduras! We landed yesterday evening and spent the evening meeting everyone and eating our first Honduran meal. We are staying in Granadilla which is a recent church that was built by the Steers and their team. Today some of us attended church and some helped with kids’ church where they learned about Noah’s ark and English words that correlated with Noah and his obedience to God. The Steers shared that Bethany has been a huge help and blessed them with funds to build the church in Granadilla. I am thankful witness how Bethany has blessed the missionaries in Honduras. They know they are so loved by Bethany and they love Bethany! Please pray for continued health especially for Amanda, from the Honduran team, who has picked up a cough, that the community we are visiting tomorrow are receptive and continue to build connections, and the ministry opportunity that all the gatherings will bring. Thank you Bethany, we love you all!

July 10 Greetings from Granadilla! Today we are very tired but also excited for the work God is doing through the team. Today we completed a very difficult hike to visit families in the mountains. We were able to pray with them and invite them to the activities during the week. We also did several construction projects at the camp including painting, railings for the building, and ladders for the bunk beds. Patrice and Shannon made chocolate chip cookies on the stove top of the outdoor kitchen that we will be giving the women tomorrow at our classes. Naomi became sick today so please pray for her recovery and the continued health of the rest of the team. Tomorrow we are excited to kick off day one of VBS.

July 11 Today was a very full day for us, starting with a devotional. In the morning there were constructing projects, as well as painting that needed to be done. Jay and Allen worked on benches that needed to be repaired and Naomi, Shannon and Patrice finished painting railings and housing. This led right into VBS where we had 46 kids from the community attend. The kids had the opportunity to play games, learn a craft, plant some seeds and hear a lesson on creation and what it means to be made in the image of God. After the VBS, Shannon and Patrice had the chance to teach some women from the community to crochet. The women really loved it. This gave the guys a chance to connect with one another. We ended the night hearing testimonies from the Honduran team during our devotional time.
